Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Beautiful Mama


As is often the case with me, I am behind on things . . . I wanted to share this photo of my mom for Mother’s Day. I love this photo. Isn’t she beautiful! I love my mom so much and am so grateful for her many teachings and years of service to me and our family. It’s hard to fully express the gratitude I have for my dear mama. . .

Thanks Mom! Thanks for teaching me to work hard. Thanks for helping me understand, from the youngest age, that my most important role is that of a mother—that this is where I would find true joy. Thanks for coming to visit and helping out when our own babies arrived, sharing confidence and expertise with me. Thanks for helping me understand that I deserved better and that I had options at a very crucial crossroads in my life. Thanks for teaching me to be kind and to serve others. Thanks for teaching me homemaking skills and for introducing me to Mary Kay. Thanks for praying for me. Thanks for loving me. Thanks for teaching me how to smile. I love your smile and I love you!

Happy Mother’s Day Connie Sue!


Thelma said...

This is very nice Janet. You do have a wonderful mother because she raised wonderful you. I think you look a lot like her so remember that when you consider how beautiful your mother is.

And I'm not just saying that because I want to continue all the free therapy sessions.

I'm not.

Anonymous said...

To my beautiful daughter Janet. Thinking of you even more than usual, I decided to ck your blog and to my surprise it was about ME! I wasn't able to view the pic at first(computer problems)but I left & came back & there I was.. WOW what a very long time ago! What an honor...You have made me such a proud mom & grandma. I can't imagine what my life would have been w/out my 3 beautiful children. Of course you are most special because you were my first born and my only daughter. (In case either of your brother's are reading this, I didn't say most favorite!) I love you with all my heart and wish we could be closer, to support each other in our difficult times. May the Lord give us 'extra' strength when we can't be together. Blessing, mom

Susie said...

That was a great tribute to your mom. Sounds like she was wonderful and look how you turned out. You are the best mom and wife ever. Count your lucky stars for a great mom you taught and loved you.