Thursday, June 14, 2012

This Time Last Year . . .

I was celebrating (GRIEVING) the graduation of this handsome fellow.



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I did fine at the ceremony until our wonderful Principal, Mr. James Dean, talked about how mother eagles have to push their eaglets out of the nest—I couldn’t take it anymore and the tears flowed.


David impressed us with his heartfelt graduation speech—The Music of Happiness. A year later he continues to receive compliments on that speech. We felt proud of his courage and authenticity.


And I am pleased to report that I have advanced from anger to depression . . . hopefully approaching a hesitant acceptance any day now. 


Round Two: Tonight


1 comment:

mom said...

Oh Janet...So glad to see this! Just as they have made you proud through out their grade school & high school years they are going to continue to make their mama bird very proud! It's a tough thing, letting go of kids to start their next chaper of life. Mom's everywhere know your heart. I love you so much. mom