This is what happens when you have a cheeky brother named Leif . . .
Points to anyone who could tell that she is wearing her brothers’ underwear . . . several pair of them!
This is what happens when you have a cheeky brother named Leif . . .
Points to anyone who could tell that she is wearing her brothers’ underwear . . . several pair of them!
Last year at this time we had just begun our family trek to the Southwest. It was a fabulous time visiting friends and relatives and enjoying nature’s beauty as we drove across the western states. I remember our trip with such fondness and wish we could do it every year. Dance with me down memory lane . . .
Bonus points awarded to anyone who noticed Eric getting bitten on his backside!
Click here for our inspiration . . . for both the impressive dance moves and the shameless conceptual rip-off. :) Imitation (no matter how bad) is the ultimate form of flattery, so I am told . . .
Lately around our home—usually during chore time—we’ve been hearing the phrase “YOU’RE the Unpaid Intern . . . YOU do the work!” quite often . For some reason it always makes me chuckle .
David has landed an internship, albeit unpaid, this summer with the Snohomish School District ,working on their websites. It’s been challenging and rewarding and he really seems to enjoy it.
I finally asked my kids where this funny phrase came from anyway. They explained to me that it came from a Sponge Bob episode and proceeded to relay it in the best character voices they could muster. “That’s MISTER Dr. Professor Patrick to YOOOOUUUU!!! . . . YOU’RE the Unpaid Intern! YOU do the work!” I REALLY don’t know why I think this is so funny—but I do.
The scary thing is . . . we don’t even have cable. What would it be like around here if we did!
My boys showed me this song weeks ago and I still find myself humming the tune. I, personally, don’t know much at all about video games but I guess I know enough about Mario Kart to appreciate this clever singer/songwriter. It’s quite sweet, really. Yes, that IS yarn taped to his face.
My very own Mario Bros.—Mario and Luigi . . . Halloween 2004. Fun Times.