Yep! These are our Christmas cards, from 2008 . . . and I just mailed them out this week, the end of April. That’s got to be our family record of lameness. I must admit I was tempted to just let it go and hope no one noticed but in the end decided it would be a good lesson for me . . . a lesson in humility. A humble, even public admission that I don’t have a complete handle on my life, that, indeed, hard as it is to admit, I can’t do everything. My dear husband spent so much time writing and printing the letters (back in December—like a good little elf) it just wouldn’t be right for me not to own this, to take responsibility and fully admit that I was the weak link in our Christmas greeting endeavor. It’s a fine line though and I’m feeling rather wobbly.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
My Favorite Piano Guys
Here is an awesome new video from my second favorite Piano Guy! He’s amazing.
. . . and here is a photo of my most favorite Piano Guy this Christmas at his first paying gig. He amazes me too.
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Random, Peaceful, Friday Afternoon
I LOVE our Friday afternoons. The crew gets out of school two hours early, allowing for some relaxing, unscheduled time at home. They are all usually so busy with homework and activities it’s often the only day of the week that they get some free time for themselves.
We can always count on David to fill our house with beautiful music. He’s talented, that guy.
Hans, pumping iron. He’s always diligent at putting first things first, getting his exercise and work out of the way before play.
Leif enjoying Hans’s DS. What a generous brother Hans is!
Freja, enjoying the Webkinz or American Girl website.
Last but not least, our sleeping Princess Britta. It’s always a good day when she gets a nap!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Dear Mrs. Nielsen
Dear Mrs. Nielsen—My mom really loves your blog. She appreciates how much you enjoy your life as a wife and mother and she just raves about your darling children. I must admit that Mr. Nicholas, in particular, has caught my eye. I hope to meet the “Little Critter” someday. I will certainly be on the look-out for him in a few years at BYU, provided he chooses that fine institution as his choice for higher learning and growth . . . but I digress. Thank you for inspiring my own dear mother to try to live her life more fully, more beautifully. We are so very happy that you are recovering and that your beautiful children have been blessed to have their beautiful mother back. You are truly an inspiration. Much Love—Britta Liesl
P. S. This little birdie onesie was made just for you. It’s one of my favorites.
Harvest Time
It was recently ‘Harvest Time’ at our house—time to finally harvest the hair I’ve been farming over the last year so that I could donate it to Locks of Love. This is the fourth time I’ve been able to donate my hair and it’s always a fun and rewarding endeavor. As I’m growing my hair out it inevitably gets to a point where it looks really bad, drives me crazy, and I am so tempted to cut it. Then I try and remember that if I just hold on a little longer I will have enough length to donate. My hair grows fast, it’s the least I can do, right? So when you see my long, heavy hair looking less than it’s best, likely in a ponytail day after day, just know it’s for a good cause. :) That’s my story anyway, and I’m sticking to it!
Our dear Freja has been begging to donate her hair for a year or so now and I finally relented. I felt quite hesitant to say good-bye to her long blonde locks but Eric properly chastened me for not supporting her in her charitable desires and so I agreed. Her hair does NOT grow fast, all the more special that she wanted to give it away I suppose.
This was a memorable mother-daughter bonding experience and we are both thrilled with our lightened do’s. Thanks Shyanne!
I love the very excited and pleased look on Freja’s face.