Thursday, April 30, 2009

Walking the fine line between humility and humiliation . . .


Yep! These are our Christmas cards, from 2008 . . . and I just mailed them out this week, the end of April. That’s got to be our family record of lameness. I must admit I was tempted to just let it go and hope no one noticed but in the end decided it would be a good lesson for me . . . a lesson in humility. A humble, even public admission that I don’t have a complete handle on my life, that, indeed, hard as it is to admit, I can’t do everything.  My dear husband spent so much time writing and printing the letters (back in December—like a good little elf) it just wouldn’t be right for me not to own this, to take responsibility and fully admit that I was the weak link in our Christmas greeting endeavor.  It’s a fine line though and I’m feeling rather wobbly.


Susie said...

Life just gets busy. But better late then never right? You can call it half year newsletter instead of your Christmas card. It is the thought that counts. You still are great.

Our Family said...

Oh Janet! You are so funny! It's good to know you are human like me!!! :o)

AnnaBanana said...

We loved your letter! It was fabulous as usual! I loved the picture of the kids running with Eric. Loved all the stripes!

I hope it's okay to add you to our list! We'll keep track of you guys and your fun happennnnnings!

Donna Ryan said...

I saved your letter until the end of the day, curled up in bed, and read it, looked at all the pictures, and shed a tear (yes, really) that we are so far apart. Your kids are growing and I wish they could play with my kids. I loved your letter, no matter what month it arrives.